Παρασκευή 27 Απριλίου 2012
Πέμπτη 26 Απριλίου 2012
Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2012
Δευτέρα 23 Απριλίου 2012
Παρασκευή 20 Απριλίου 2012
Modals ( may - can't - must )
Have some practice on modals !!!
Survive the savage sea
The Robertson family
Survive the savage sea is the true exciting story of the Robertson family who decide to travel
around the world.The family live on a farm near Leek in North Staffordshire,
England. One Sunday morning the family listen to the news. There is a report
about travelling round the world. They think that it is a lovely idea. So two
years later they buy a boat which they call
“Lucette”. The adventure starts...

Lucette at sunset
At first everything seems to be OK but suddenly something hits the schooner and water comes up through the floorboards. Unfortunately, Dougal sees some whales that have made holes through the boat. He advises his children to put on their lifejackets but Dougal and his wife have no time to put their lifejackets on. He helps his son Douglas to throw the dinghy and the yellow self-inflatable raft into the sea. They put some things into the dinghy and they all climb into it. Some minutes later the boat sinks.
On the 6th day Dougal tries to catch a fish but a shark takes his line. After 7 days in the sea the family's password is Survival. On the 8th day they cut up a female turtle and they eat its eggs and its meat. They try to make a fish spear. When Dougal tries to catch a fish, he hits the spear against the mast and breaks it.
On the 26th day
they lose the sea anchor. Perhaps a
shark has taken it. On the 29th day they realize that they have to kill in
order to eat. The sea is quite calm. Dougal tries to catch a Mako shark. He
puts a small flying fish on the large fish hook, holds the line and throws it
down. Dougal feels a pull on the line. The shark bites and Dougal pulls it in. The shark fights hard but
in the end Dougal pulls it to the dinghy. Lyn puts the paddle into the shark’s
jaw. After that, Dougal kills it with the knife and cuts off its head.
The 38th
day is their last day on the raft. It has not rained much in the night. They
hang up pieces of meat to dry. That afternoon
Dougal sees a ship so they start screaming. The ship sails towards them.
Dougal puts his arms round Lyn and there are tears in his eyes...
Mary Diakona
Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2012
A basketball game ( passive voice )
Have fun and practise passive voice !!!
Have fun and practise passive voice !!!
Τετάρτη 4 Απριλίου 2012
Prisoner in the jungle
The plot
Karen and John Wilson live with their father in a small town which is called Rouali. Their father has been missing for two weeks. When they receive a letter from him, they realize that he’s in great danger and they decide to rescue him. They look at the map and they find the town where their father is. This town is called Golatta.To get there they use the help of Billy Baily, one of their father’s friends. He agrees to fly to Golatta with them. Ten minutes after they have taken off, a bad storm breaks out.
All of a sudden, Billy realizes that he has made a mistake and he does not fly over the town of Golatta. Some people shoot and kill him so it is Karen’s turn to fly the plane. Unfortunately, the plane runs out of fuel and Karen and John have to use parachutes. Karen’s parachute is torn but she manages to open another parachute. When they land, they find their father’s diary. Karen opens it and reads a secret code which John uses to open the door of the room where their father is. They both get into the room and there is their father….
* John -> he’s especially good at maths
* Karen -> she’s able to solve puzzles and riddles…
Both children are courageous, they are close to each other and they care about
their father.
their father.
* Bill -> he’s stupid and ignorant.
* The kids’ father ->l he loves adventures.
The most important event
My opinion is that the most important event is when Billy Baily is killed and Karen is forced to fly the plane… She is too young to do it and the reader wonders whether she will make it or not.
Anna-Maria Sorotou
Kidnapped takes place in the Scottish Highlands in 1751. It tells the story of David Balfour, an orphan whose uncle deceives him, tries to kill him and later, kidnaps him. Young David escapes with the help of his friend Alan Stewart. Together they have a lot of exciting adventures.
The plot
After his parents’ death David Balfour lives with his parents’ friends, Mr and Mrs Robertson. When David is 17 years old, Mr Robertson gives him a letter from his father, which he has to take to his uncle. David takes it to his uncle, a violent man that actually wants to kill him. He stays at his uncle’s house for a while and one day when both David and his uncle go to an inn to meet the captain of a ship, David finds out that his uncle has killed his father.
David feels scared but he doesn’t have much choice. When he goes with the captain and his uncle to see a ship, he is informed that he is on his way to America to be sold as a slave to a plantation. He is worried and desperate until he makes friends with Alan Steward, a man that the sailors save from a boat on a foggy night. David offers to help him fight against the captain and the crew who want his money. They manage to kill the captain and make the sailors run away. Alan gives David one silver button to remind him of his first battle.
Suddenly, the ship hits a big rock and they all fall into the sea. David sees land and swims towards it. Then, he starts looking for his friend Alan, who hides from the English soldiers that hate him because he supports the English king’s enemy. Alan helps David find his father’s family lawyer who tells him that the house where his uncle lives belongs to David. They make a plan and convince David’s uncle to give him every year two thirds of the money that he earns from the House of Shaws.
The main characters
My favourite character is Alan Stewart, a member of the French army who is not afraid of the English soldiers when he is in Scotland.
Another important character of the story is David Balfour, a brave young boy.
The most important event
I think that the most important event is when David Balfour helps Alan Stewart and saves him from the captain and the crew. They both become best friends and start supporting each other.
My opinion
This book is awesome! You feel that you can’t stop reading it since you want to find out what is going to happen next.
Angel Tsitsiridakis
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